
"Vyzantino" Greek Restaurant

Plaka is a village within the city. A district in the center of Athens that time has respected its nobility and left it shining under the Acropolis, enjoying the admiration of its visitors. There, in the most picturesque and oldest district of Athens, at 18 Kydathinaion Street, the Vyzantino restaurant operates. A beautiful and welcoming corner that has won the trust of the Athenians, and leaves the best impressions on local and foreign visitors.

You can also visit us on Sunday afternoon or evening.

Classical delicacy, Roman nobility, post-revolutionary and modern times blend harmoniously into a whole that proves that Athens was and is a living city. And after the tour of its narrow streets, a glass of wine combined with authentic Greek flavors at Byzantino Restaurant, will give the final touch of the day, in the center of the area.

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than Good Food

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